Recently, a patient asked, "Do you have to keep getting adjusted forever? I mean, what good is that?" This idea of becoming addicted to adjustments or even just needing them to keep feeling good is not uncommon in people who have been to a chiropractor, and even those who simply know someone else who has been under care. Many people have no problem taking high blood pressure, diabetes, heart, digestive, cholesterol and other medications for the rest of their lives, so why should they have a problem with those who see a chiropractor on a regular basis? Still, I would like to address this question.
People who regularly go to the Chiropractor realize that there is a difference between not being sick, and being optimally well! In that case, the only thing they are “addicted to” is being healthy, happy and full of life! We should all be so lucky to be addicted to that!”
Let’s look at this a little differently. When someone works out and gets totally fit and healthy, does he say to himself, “I’m glad I never have to work out again!?” Of course not! If someone is hungry and eats until she isn’t hungry anymore, does she say, “Boy, am I glad I don’t have to eat again now that I’m full!?” When you wake up after a good night’s sleep, totally rested and refreshed, do you think to yourself, “Alright! Now I never have to sleep again!?” Of course these are ridiculous questions. Just because someone eats every day, sleeps every night and works out regularly, it doesn’t mean they are addicted to food, sleep and exercise. They simply understand that doing all of these things on a regular basis, along with all of their other healthy lifestyle habits and keeping a positive attitude will ensure that they are their best each day.
The same is true of getting your spine adjusted by your chiropractor. Because of the intimate connections between your spine and your nerve system, making sure your spine is well-aligned and functioning properly helps ensure that your brain is in contact with every part of your body, and that your whole body functions at the highest level. As a result, millions of people have found that periodic chiropractic adjustments are an important part of their decision to stay happy and healthy.